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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Round 31 - 12/23/10

I can’t believe this was my last day of CrossFit before Christmas. I loooove Christmas, it’s my favourite holiday, hands down. I always look forward to the break from my daily routine, but for some reason I’m going to miss going to the gym. Yeah, I know it’s only for a few days but it’s a social environment as much as it is a workout environment. I enjoy being there, even when it kicks my ass (which is pretty much always, haha).

Annnyyway, the gym was busier than I expected today. I guess everyone wanted to get one round in before all the holiday indulgences. We started with our choice of a Frog Stand or an L-sit. I chose the L-sit because I wanted to see if I had improved from the last time. I had...drastically. I don’t know if it’s because I’m stronger or because I’ve got better balance, but it was a massive improvement. My longest “run” was 20 seconds last time and today that was my shortest run (and only because I was getting tired). The trainer said the difference was night and day.

After the L-sit we moved onto the 21-15-9 workout that involved overhead squats and pull ups. I switched up the pull up bands this time to the thick green band and the thin purple (which is even thinner than the black band I was using before. I’d never seen it before). It was just enough of a change that they were difficult, but that I was still able to complete them, so I’m glad for that. The trainer said I was doing good pull ups, but he could tell I was working for them.

My overhead squat technique wasn’t too great to start out with, so they made me use the torture device before I could start the workout. Just for fun, here’s a picture I discovered on the webpage under last Saturday’s workout. That’s me, in pain, using the torture device. Enjoy ;)

I ended up using 25lbs on the overhead squats and completed the workout in 6:02. All-in-all this was one of our easier days. The exercises individually were challenging, but we got a lot of rest on the L-sits and the second half of the workout was over very quickly. I’m sure I’ll be feeling the pull ups tomorrow.

I also was feeling brave and decided to see how far away I am from a real pull up. As I mentioned before, that’s one of my biggest goals and I wanted to see how much I’d improved…

I know I have improved significantly in my pull ups, but I’m still nowhere close to doing a real one. Oh well! I might have to make that my 6 month goal instead of my 3 month. It’ll happen eventually, I just need to get some patience.

I went on the website after the gym tonight and they helpfully included an at-home workout in case you’re missing the gym. I probably won’t post about doing that, but I’ll definitely give it a go tomorrow before we do family stuff.

Thanks so much for reading everyone. I really appreciate any comments you take the time to leave me. They make my day :) I hope everyone has a great holidays with their families and I’ll see you guys in a few days!

- N


  1. I know how you feel about missing the gym! I typically go Monday thru Friday (and some Saturdays), and I really hate when I can't get there! I'm thankful to my in-laws for watching my kids today so I could go (the gym day care is closed for the holiday). I'll be counting down until I can go Monday morning! And in the meantime I'll just have to take the dog for a few long walks to compensate.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Crossfitting in 2011!

  2. @Prairie80

    It's been so good to get back. I'm dreading every other aspect of the holidays being over, but I'm happy to be back to the gym.
