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Monday, January 17, 2011

Round 42 - 01/17/11: Injured.

It’s official...I am injured. I ran on the treadmill yesterday (which I hate with a passion) in brand new shoes (that sometimes bug my feet until they’re broken in but nothing else) and my stupid knee still hurt 5 minutes into my run. I tried everything I could think of: I stretched randomly, I decreased the incline, I decreased the speed (to a snail’s pace for me), nothing worked. I couldn’t run a few steps without pain after those few minutes. It. Totally. Sucks.

I wanted to start training for another half marathon and I (stupidly) thought the shoes would fix my knee pain. Cut to me lying on my bed with my knee elevated and an ice pack for most of last night. It hurt for the rest of the night and this morning and I’ve been trying to self-diagnose this whole time. I’m fairly certain it’s Iliotibial Band Syndrome. The pain seems mostly on the outside of my knee or surrounding it and it’s always running that causes it. Running is hard on your joints (compared to anything else) and if your IT band is tight your knee won't getting the cushioning and support it requires for the impact...so it hurts. My IT band is tight. Haha. It was confirmed today when I tried two different rollers at the gym (one foam, one plastic - ouch!). It seemed to help because my knee pain is down now even after I did some squats. My treatment for this problem of mine will consist of the following:

  1. Stop walking at a crazy high incline on the treadmill to warm up for CF. We’re going to stick to rowing for the next 2 weeks and see if that makes a difference.
  2. Take fish oil supplements again (I should be anyway, but they help reduce inflammation in this case).
  3. Use the foam roller regularly at the gym (and possibly purchase my own).
  4. Do the stretches my sister’s physiotherapist gave her when she was having knee pain during our half marathon training.
  5. Keep my squat weights low for the next two weeks and focus on my knee position throughout the entire movement.
  6. Ice whenever I do feel pain. 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off.

Anyone have any tips or suggestions that have worked for them? I’m a runner by trade and I need to be able to run. As much as I love CF…I still have to be able to run.

Alright enough knee talk. Onto CrossFit!

So WOD started with back squat (and yes, I did row to warm up). I also used the foam rollers to loosen up before starting, but I knew right away I wasn’t going for a max. Instead I did 3 sets of 5 (one at 125 and two at 105). It just wasn’t worth risking it today.

For the second part of WOD we did a 21-15-9 workout of deadlifts and pushups (or HSPUs for those that were able to). The progression was HSPU -> parallette pushups -> chest-to-ground pushups -> knee pushups. I stuck with chest-to-ground pushups and did my deadlifts at 105 (which I was pretty proud of!). Deadlifts will always feel the heaviest when you grab the bar, but that doesn’t mean you can’t lift the weight. I felt the exercise, but it was definitely doable. I might go up to 115 next time.

And that was my WOD. I’m going back tomorrow so I’ll let you guys know how it goes and how the knee feels. Have a good night!

- N


  1. Ice, Ice baby, you and I have a date for a marathong in May :)

  2. @Lulumum

    Daaaaaaaaamn right I do. I'll wear a thong to my marathong ;)

  3. OUCH! Good luck to you, I hope you are feeling better soon. My trainer got me to use the plastic roller (a 4inch PVC pipe) and its my new torture device. I have tight IT bands also, heck I have tight everything when it comes to the bottom half of my body. I also finally caved and bought my own foam roller. I would highly suggest getting your own. I now roll out while watching TV and it helps a lot.

    I haven't been reading your blog lately as I was on vacation over the New Year. I hope to be caught up soon. Speaking of vacations, tomorrow will be my first training session after 3 and a half weeks (I've been running tho.) My prediction is that it's going to HURT... A LOT. ;-)

  4. I forgot to add, have you tried the Nike Free shoes? I just got a pair (my trainer suggested getting them), apparently it's supposed to help with shin splints and my snore knee (old injury) by simulating barefoot running and allowing the leg/foot muscles to strengthen. I will be trying them out at the gym tomorrow, I can keep you posted.

  5. @Kate

    Hey Kate! Thanks for your input. I think I might have to get one of those rollers. I'm still feeling a little bit of discomfort in my knee today, but I don't know if that's more psychological than anything else. I wanted to try and run tomorrow (and I planned on running Tuesday) but i won't attempt again until Sunday I think. My knees need a good rest.

    How did those shoes workout for you (and how was your first day back after vacation)? Thanks for reading!

  6. @gymrat

    Hi There!

    Just wanted to drop you a line about the new shoes. They were great! I got the Nike Free TR; I'll provide the link below. They are so light and flexible! Only downside is that I am accustomed to the extra support running shoes provide. My running shoes have the extra arch support etc. So when doing lunges and push presses I was teetering a bit. Especially noticeable with my lunges when I got tired, I had to brace myself a couple of times so I wouldn't fall over. I think like with all things new it will just need time. Last thing I need is to fall over while doing lunges with TONS of people around (especially with all the New Year Resolutionists there!) LOL Have you found the gym to be more busy than usual? I can't even find a free locker in the change room now it's so busy.

    I've had two sessions so far this week and another tomorrow (Friday). One word answer: OUCH! ;) I haven't felt this sort of pain in a long time. My entire body is sore; hips and butt are the worse. But it's a good sore, you know you did some good work when you hurt this bad. I hope your knees are feeling better.

    Here's the link for the shoes. http://store.nike.com/us/en_us/?l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-337062/pgid-301846#l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-361354/pgid-361356

  7. @Kate

    Cool! Thanks for the info. I might need to look into a weight lifting shoe.

    My knees been okay lately but I don't know what'll happen when I try to run on it. It doesn't hurt nearly as much when I use the rollers now.

  8. Good to hear about the knee. Amazing what a piece of compact foam can do. LOL
    Another favourite (*sarcasm) is a hard medicine ball on the Piriformis and hip flexor...just LOVE that. My bottom half is such a mess.
