I made it to the gym today! I didn’t do much of anything on New Year’s Eve, but for some reason I’ve been so exhausted the last few days. I think I’m a little under the weather.
WOD today was awful. My shoulders were on fire and it seemed like it was never going to end. I felt like I was really dragging too...don’t know if it was because I’m a little sick or because my barbell was really heavy for the exercise I was doing. It was a good workout (great even) and I’m really glad I went...I just didn’t feel like I did fantastic.
The only part of the workout was an AMRAP for 20 minutes. I should’ve expected it to be brutal (20 minutes is long for an AMRAP), but for some reason the workout looked easy. 10 push press, 10 kettlebell swings and 10 box jumps. I like all those exercises and don’t find anyone particularly draining on it’s own (not like a burpee or something). I set my barbell at 53lbs and grabbed the 26lb kettlebell. I had the trainer look at me do a few kettlebell swings because I kept having people correct my technique last time. She made a few tweaks and told me the weight was too easy for me...so I either had to go up to the 35lb one or change the exercise a little. I ended up doing the latter (on the trainer’s suggestion) and switched from Russian Kettlebell swings to American Kettlebell swings (see this video; Russian swings go to your shoulders, American swings go over your head. American swings are obviously more challenging because of the height you have to get, so you use less weight). The trainer explained to me that some workouts specify Russian swings and other workouts give you the option to pick and choose. I knew the kettlebell was too light for me at 26lbs, but I was wary of increasing the weight when I wasn’t completely comfortable with my technique. I felt better after having her watch me.
I ended up finishing just shy of 7 reps of the exercise, and that was one of the lower numbers on the board. I absolutely felt spent the entire way through. Those push presses killed me and I was taking a way longer rest than I usually needed to. I could've sworn the bar was 65lbs instead of 53 by the end. I got so drained so quickly! Every time I had to go pick up my barbell again it was daunting and the 20 minutes seemed to go on forever. I was so happy to be done this one. It was way harder than I expected it to be.
I’ll go back tomorrow and probably go for my run on Tuesday. I just felt like I needed to be there today. I missed Thursday and I was going stir crazy just sitting at home. It felt good to get out.
How's everyone doing? Back at the workouts after the holidays? I'm so glad not to be at a regular gym this year because I used to dread the month of January. This year'll be different, thankfully.
Have a good night guys!
- N
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