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Monday, January 10, 2011

Round 37 - 01/07/11

Alright, so I’m a little behind in updating. I worked on Saturday and felt pretty crappy all day and writing just wasn’t in the cards...

So you guys are going to get a double whammy tonight! Excited? ;) Here’s Friday’s post...

Today’s workout was short! Haha. It was good though, I wasn’t feeling that great so my endurance is really not there right now. I needed something short and sweet and that was exactly what I got.

For starters, front squat. Last time I did 2 reps at 105lbs. Today I did a 3 rep max at 115lbs. Increasing your front squat is a much slower process than increasing weight on your back squat, so I definitely went up gradually. My wrists were sore and it kind of felt like the bar was choking me (which is how it’s supposed to feel, haha), but I got ‘er done. I never look forward to doing front squats, but I look forward to the number afterwards.

Next we did a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 workout (10 reps, then 9, then 8, you get the picture) of deadlifts (at 75lbs for me) and wall balls (12lbs for me). I’ve never done deadlifts in an actual workout before so this was kind of new to me. Deadlifts are a slow exercise. You have to tighten your back, stand up completely straight and lower the weight, keeping the bar as close to your body as possible the whole time. It took me a few reps to figure out how to do it “fast” so I was a little slow out of the gate. The wall balls felt great. I think next time I’ll go up to the 16lb one. The last time I tried it my form was really affected, but I think I’ve gotten strong enough to handle another 4lbs now.

There was another girl working out beside me who started a bit over a minute before me and the intern was kind of egging us to compete with each other (for fun, of course). I was so close to catching her. She finished her last wall ball seconds before me. Considering how much sooner she started, I definitely made up a lot of time, but it was just fun competing. I really wanted to catch her. Hahah. I finished in 6:23. Like I said, short and sweet.

And that was today’s workout! I hope you all had a great weekend!

- N


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