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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Round 36 - 01/06/11: ‘The Handstand Pushup’

Okay no, nobody get excited, I didn’t do a handstand pushup. I did, however, make a huge leap in my progression towards a handstand pushup. I ended up completely vertical several times during my workout and that was a big milestone for me. I started by trying to walk myself up the wall (feet on the wall, walk your hands in as much as you can) like I have been before. I was actually able to move this time (which, as you know, felt impossible a few weeks ago). After a little practice to get better form for the actual handstand the trainer suggested doing a headstand. I did a few where I tried to kick my legs up as high as I can, never actually hitting the wall. The trainer then suggested that he put me against the wall completely.

I did not want to at first, but he assured me he’d spot me and said “what’s the worst that could happen”. I gave it a go after a little probing and I did an actual headstand. I tried a few more times and in all honesty, getting up there is the worst part. Once you’re there it’s not bad at all. I actually had a lot of fun doing it. It was cool and felt like such a huge leap from what I had been doing so far. I wouldn’t mind doing it again. Maybe I’ll be able to kick myself onto the wall next time.

The workout was a 21-15-9 that consisted of power cleans (which I’m feeling so much more comfortable with now), knees-to-elbows (probably one of the hardest single exercises I’ve done at this point), and box jumps. I couldn't actually get my knees all the way to my elbows, but I got as high as I could.

I finished in 13:24. The workout seemed to take forever because of the power cleans and the knees-to-elbows (which some people did fast but took me forever). The box jumps were by far the easiest part.

I’m feeling better today, but still not quite myself. I’ll be going to the gym after work tomorrow and then hopefully recuperate a bit before my next session. I also desperately need new running shoes. My knees haven’t been feeling right during my runs because they’re so beat up.

And that’s it for now! Have a great night guys!

- N


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