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Friday, January 14, 2011

Round 41 - 01/14/11

Today I hit the gym around 3 after I spent the morning running errands and (finally) getting myself a new pair of running shoes (I’ll keep my old ones for CrossFit). My knees have been bugging me during my runs for the last few weeks and it’s extremely frustrating. I’m hoping new shoes will do the trick, but I fear I might have to start doing yoga again. I’m not a yogi. At all. I’m not flexible (yes, I know that improves with practice and time), and I’m not into calmness and serenity and pressing your heart to the sky...at least not when I workout. I’ve tried a few times and I just can’t get into it personally, but I might need to try again. It seemed to help a bit during my half marathon training.

Sorry. Tangent. So, I came home from errand running and didn’t feel too spectacular. I bummed around on the couch for a bit before finally deciding to force myself out the door.

I’m really, really glad I went. Friday workouts are usually short and sweet and this was no exception. We did 3 rounds of 7 power cleans, 10 front squats and 10 burpees. My bar was 65lbs (last time it was 55 for power cleans!) and that weight felt really good. My cleans felt pretty spectacular, to be honest. Hahaha. I mean it. It was like everything was just clicking and I didn’t have to think about it and spend time psyching myself up for each rep. I just did them and they felt great (and, according to the trainer, looked good too!). It’s kind of amazing when stuff like that happens. Yeah, they’ve been feeling better little by little and I had the hang of motion and I knew what I had to do...but today the pieces just fell into place. It was a good feeling.

I finished the workout in 9:04, which I was very happy with. I also had a really delicious protein smoothie when I came home as my recovery snack. I’m going to enjoy the weekend off CF. Break in my runners maybe Saturday and Sunday and just let my muscles rest.

Ten weeks in everyone! (And incidentally just over 100 days until our vacation that I apparently need a bathing suit for.) Thanks for sticking with me thus far. Have a great weekend!


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