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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Round 35 - 01/04/11: ‘Starless’

So, I’m sick. I felt it when I was getting up to go to the gym but thought maybe I was dragging from being lazy all day...well nope, I’m sick. And my boss (finally) got back to me telling me I’m supposed to be working tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. (Thanks for the notice, guys.) If I feel like this I won’t be going to work. It’s been downhill since I left the gym…But I did get through my workout, so hopefully it won’t get much worse than this. I’ve upped my Vitamin D intake just to be safe.

Anyway, today we got into the swing of things with one heavy lifting exercise and a conditioning workout. The WOD was a 3 rep max of press followed by a 10 minute AMRAP of 50 feet of lunges and 10 burpees.

For press I really had no idea where my max would be. I haven’t done a basic press in a while and the last time I did that I maxed out at 57lbs (only really finishing the exercise with 55lbs). Because press uses pretty much only your shoulders it’s harder to increase the weight. With exercises that use big muscle groups (like squats and deadlifts) you don’t notice the difference between 5 and 10lbs the same way you would in exercises that use smaller muscle groups. For press you have to go up in really small increments because of this.

So I spent a good while just increasing my press weight. I didn’t want to max myself out too soon and we were only going for a 3 rep max. I ended up getting to 65lbs (after some probing from the trainer) and he said he only thought that was 80% of my max (even though he watched me barely finish the last rep). We decided to give 68lbs one shot and see what happened.

Well, I had it. I really, really had it. I did the first two reps (with some struggle) and I swear I would’ve managed the third one if I’d just taken a rest at the top of the second rep. Instead I realized too late I needed to rest (taking one on the bottom of the movement) and lost all my momentum.

So my 3 rep max for the day was 65lbs, but I swear next time I’ll be able to break 70. If I had had a clearer objective in mind I wouldn’t have had so many “in between” sets and I wouldn’t have tired so easily.

It was during the conditioning workout that I started to realize I was actually sick. I was just tiring so easily and my head seemed fuzzy. The workout was 50 feet of lunges with a weight overhead (45lbs for boys and 25lbs for girls). Normally I don’t do exactly the prescribed workout (in terms of prescribed weight and stuff) so I get a little star beside my name on the board that means “modified”. I hate that star. I want that star gone. I know it’s a work-in-progress and it could take years to get all those completely gone...but I just want a few of them gone. I want to be able to do a few workouts without needing to “modify” it.

Well today that happened. I lifted the 10lbs over my head to test it out and the trainer looked and me and shook his head. I lifted the 15lbs over my head and he did the same thing, “keep going”. I ended up using the 25lbs for the whole workout and kept a pretty good pace throughout. The burpees drained me quickly and that totally slowed me down but I’m chalking that up to being sick. I ended up doing 4-and-a-bit rounds of the prescribed workout in 10 minutes.

So all-in-all, a good workout day. I wish I’d gotten in 5 rounds of the AMRAP, but I can’t really control getting sick. I gave it my all and I’ll be hurting tomorrow and that’s the important thing.

Have a good night guys!

- N


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