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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Round 39 - 01/11/11: The Day My Shoulders Died.

Tuesday’s workout was...let’s just say as a result this whole week has felt like my first week of CrossFit all over again. My shoulders are on fiiiiiire. Between the pushups and pull ups from Monday and what we did on Tuesday...I had to go for a hot tub after my workout today to see if I could loosen up my muscles a bit. No amount of stretching was helping.

But apparently I enjoy pain (not that it should’ve taken me that long to figure out ;)), because I’ve stuck to my workout schedule anyway (I get sad when I miss it!).

WOD started with bench press for a 3 sets of a 5. My shoulders were already hurting, but I worked up to 85lbs and gave it a try. I didn’t quite make the 5th rep, but the trainer was spotting me and didn’t think it was because of a lack of arm strength. Apparently I wasn’t arching my back enough throughout the movement and that’s important for assisting the movement. I missed out on why, haha. I’ll have to try it next time. I ended up doing 3 sets of 5 at 75lbs. Not bad, but not what I was hoping for though.

The second part of the workout...ugh. It’s where my shoulders failed, haha. We had to do 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 sets of push press and kettlebell swings for time. I was a little ambitious and set my bar at 53lbs. My kettlebell was the 35lb this time.

The push presses nearly killed me. I felt like I was never going to make it, but somehow I did. The kettlebell swings were doable for the first while, but by the end nothing felt doable. I have been in so much pain ever since. Haha. Stupid push presses. I am really glad I finished with the weight I did though… it would’ve sucked to have to swap out for something lighter halfway through. I ended up finishing in 14:10 (which wasn’t as bad a time as I thought it would be).

And that was Tuesday’s workout. I’ll post about today’s in a little bit!

- N


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