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Monday, January 10, 2011

Round 38 - 01/10/11: 'Cindy'

Okay, post two for tonight. I hope everyone had a great weekend! This is my workout from today.

I really liked the workout we did today because it started with pull up work for a 1 rep max. As you guys know, my goal is to do a real, unassisted pull up and today I got to see how close I was. I tried a few different band combinations and I managed to do one (almost complete) pull up with the medium sized band only. I tried a few reps with the thick band, a few with a thin band and a medium band and finally the trainer told me to take a break and come back to try just the medium band. I feel like if I hadn’t done quite as many pull ups leading up to it, I would’ve completed it fully. It was really close though.

Still, I was excited to see how far I’d come. I remember when I couldn’t even do one pull up with the thick band. It’s definitely a marked improvement.

Next we did back squat. My goal was 135lbs because last time I managed 125lbs. My wrists were really bugging me today, and I think I was holding the bar too narrow to start. When I spread my grip a little (on the intern’s suggestion) it felt better.

I worked up to 125lbs pretty quickly and then went for 135lbs. I did two sets at 135lbs and on the second set the trainer and the intern were watching me. They told me to add more weight. Haha. I ended up doing 5 reps at 145lbs. I probably could break 150 next time if I plan a little better. I’ll almost be able to back squat my body weight! That’s exciting! I wonder what I can deadlift now. I’ll have to make sure I try deadlifts this week...

The last part of the workout was an AMRAP for 10 minutes. The workout was called “Cindy” but it was a mini-Cindy because we only did 10 minutes instead of 20. It’s a fast paced workout so 10 minutes was plenty after the kind of exercises we’d done before. It consisted of 5 pull ups (where I just used the thick band), 10 push ups and 15 squats. I ended up doing 7 sets and an extra round of pull ups in the 10 minutes. I thought that was pretty good overall.

I’ll be back again tomorrow so I’ll let you guys know how it goes. Have a good night!

- N


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