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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Round 40 - 01/13/11

Alright, I have a bit of a headache so this post will be short and sweet. Today’s WOD consisted of two things - HSPU practice (headstands for me) and an AMRAP workout. For the HSPU I started by trying to walk myself into the wall...but for some reason my left wrist has been bugging me since yesterday afternoon and that was just too much weight on it. After a few (pointless) tries at that I moved onto headstands. I actually did several without any help from the trainer. He said he was going to come over and help me, but by the time he did I was already upside down, haha. I had a little headache so the blood rush was really uncomfortable. For that reason, the headstands were short and sweet. I’m still feeling kind of sinus-y now so I’m sure that’s part of it. My main objective for today was to get myself into a headstand on my own...and I did that. It was night and day from the last time I tried to get up myself, so I definitely felt accomplished. I can’t believe I was so afraid of being upside down! Haha.

Like I said, the second part of the workout was an AMRAP for 15 minutes. It was 15 pull ups, 30 squats and 15 pushups (scaled down from ring dips which I’m not even close to yet; pushups were bad enough today). I tried my bands from last week and the trainer came over and told me to take one off. He said that was too easy and I keep underestimating myself. I guess that’s something to keep in mind. He said it should always be a struggle to get to the top of the movement, but something you can achieve. I definitely struggled for every single one of those pull ups today, so mission accomplished! Haha.

The squats were okay, the pushups were killer on my shoulders and started to bug my wrist towards the end. I was completely done by the end of it. I did 5 rounds plus a round of pull ups in the 15 minutes. I was glad to be done. I jumped in the hot tub when I got home to ease some aching muscles. I just hope I don’t have to press or push anything tomorrow. My poor shoulders can’t take it!

And that’s my recap for today! I hope everyone has a great night!

- N


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