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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Round 27 - 12/16/10: ‘Karen’

Today...we did Karen. Karen’s one of the baseline workouts that is named something that you can curse at while you’re doing it. One of the other girls I’ve worked out with before (who’s been doing this a while and is kind of a CrossFit machine) came up with one of the interns while I was warming up and said she was waiting for me. In these types of workouts it’s nice to have someone going through it with you. They keep you motivated and there’s a little friendly competition going on (even though I knew she’d cream me, haha). It’s just the idea that if you’re resting and the other person’s not you feel the need to keep going. When you see what this workout is you’ll understand…

So Karen. Karen is a really simple workout. 150 wall balls for time. That’s it. No olympic lifting, no power lifting nothing but wall balls.

150 of them.

For time.

It’s kind of intimidating to imagine. I checked the time’s on the board and the best one of the day so far was 9:50. For some reason that seemed insanely fast. I pictured myself doing it in 30.

For the workout I used the 12lb ball while the other girl used the 16lber (which was the actual weight for the workout). I’m looking forward to the days when there won’t be that little star beside some of my workout times that means “modified”. I’m still a newbie and I’m okay with being modified, but it gives me some goals to work towards that are a little more tangible than others.

I always start wall balls rockily. I spin the ball with my wrists or something and it bounces off the wall at a weird angle and disrupts my rhythm. I took one bounce to the face a couple of seconds in, but after the first 30 I found my rhythm. Like the intern said, that’s another thing to kind of strive for so I could make sure I was hitting the target every time. She suggested practicing with a light ball a few times before some workouts to get the hang of it.

My lungs were generally on fire from the get-go. I now know I actually am fighting a cold or something (which would explain the crazy carb/sugar binge I went on last night). I kept going, but I felt like my recovery was taking me too long and really had to force myself to keep going.

The other girl killed the original time. She did 150 wall balls in 8:55 (told you, machiiiine). I actually wasn’t far behind her. I managed to do my wall balls in 9:22.

After wall balls I decided I wanted to do a few light back squats. I’ve missed back squat days 3 weeks in a row and I just wanted to practice my technique a little. I did 3 sets at 75lbs after a few warm up rounds. My legs felt okay during that but now they feel like jelly and allllll thanks to Karen.

Hopefully I can stand during work tomorrow. LOL.

- N


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