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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Round 26 - 12/14/10: “Your shoulders love you!”

Today my shoulders were in for a beating. A serious beating...but it was totally worth it. I hit a pretty serious goal of mine and I’m still kind of reeling. The trainer described my efforts as “badass” so that made me feel even better about it. Every woman should feel like a bit of a badass once in a while ;).

WOD consisted of bench presses or presses (I opted for bench presses) in 2-2-2-2-2 sets like yesterday. I warmed up with the bar for a few sets of five and did my first real set at 65lbs. That felt pretty easy. The rest of the sets went: 2) 75lbs, 3) 85lbs, 4) 95lbs (82.5 was my 5 rep max so hitting 95 was big) and 5) 100lbs(!!!). I only did one rep at 100lbs, but I seriously couldn’t have cared less at that point. I hit triple digits in bench press less than 2 months into my training. The trainer was even impressed. She was impressed when I told her I hit 82.5lbs for my 5 rep max and then pushed me to hit 100. Triple digits in anything just seems like a whole other level and it’s what I’ve been striving for in a lot of the exercises, but to achieve it in an upper body one was kind of surreal. Yeah, I didn’t manage to do 2 reps of it, but I still feel accomplished. It’s kind of amazing what your body can do when you set your mind to something.

The second part of the WOD was an AMRAP workout for 12 minutes. It consisted of 15 hang power snatches (I used my torture devices beforehand to warm up), 10 overhead squats and 10 dips. For the dips we used these plastic hurdle-type bars that were about a foot off the ground. I had to keep my legs straight and dip my butt to the ground. It would be this exercise that did me in.

I felt like I was going so slowly. My shoulders were feeling it after my first set of snatches, so by the end they were on fire. The dips were the absolute worst part. The most I could do was five in a row before I had to shake out my arms. At one point I kind of groaned my shoulders hurt and the trainer yelled “your shoulders love you!” which made me laugh. They better love me for how they’re going to look after a few more months of this!

I ended up doing 3 rounds, plus an extra round of hang squat snatches and one overhead squat. When I looked at the other scores everyone did between 2-3 rounds (except for one crazy person that somehow managed 5!). Overall I was happy, I’m just really committed to getting better at those dips. I can’t get over how hard they were.

I’m taking tomorrow off, but I’ll be heading back Thursday after work. My sister and brother came home from school today for the holidays and my sister hadn’t seen me since our half marathon in October. She commented that my legs looked skinny (the rest of me was covered up), so that was a nice little extra bit of motivation.

I hope everyone had a good night and is gearing up for the holidays. I have to go to the mall tomorrow (yuck!) and by my secret santa person at work a present. To say I’m dreading it is an understatement…

- N


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