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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Round 33 - 12/28/10

So I’m extremely delayed in this posting, I know. I had a crazy day at work yesterday and I just couldn’t find the energy to write anything. Hopefully today won’t be as much insanity (though I’m thinking it will be). Is it Christmas again yet?

On Tuesday I did Monday’s WOD because I just really didn’t feel like doing Tuesday's (it had a lot of abs and double unders and after the hellish workout from Sunday I was still sore). The workout was kind of a 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off thing. I had to do 3 power cleans, 6 burpees and 9 jumping squats as many times as I could in 5 minutes. After that, I rested for 5 minutes before doing it again.

I ended up doing just over 6 rounds in the ten minutes of exertion. My legs were dying during the first set of power cleans. I was way more exhausted from the day before than I had realized and I’m extremely glad I didn’t opt to do a workout with a lot of skipping in it. I was doing 65lbs for my power cleans and boy, was I feeling that. Hopefully I’m better rested for today’s workout, because I have to clean again.

I’ll be going by after work so I’ll let you guys know how that goes!

- N


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