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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Round 30 - 12/21/10: Wahoo! 30 days of CrossFit!

Phew. Finally found time to post this. I had to do all of my Christmas shopping today (my sister and I were on a roll though). Sorry for the delay! I hope everyone’s getting ready for the holidays (or the time off if you don’t celebrate the holidays!)...

Today’s WOD started with bench press. We were going for 5 sets of 3 or a 5 rep max. For a change I decided to do 5 sets of 3. I ended up doing the sets at 85lbs (when my 5 rep max was 82.5lbs two weeks ago). The improvement was definitely significant, but it felt less exciting than benching 100lbs last week. Next time I’ll probably try 5 sets of 3 at 90 or 95.

The next part of WOD was four rounds of 10 pull ups, 30 sit ups and 10 burpees. I’m getting really frustrated with my pull ups. I’m using the green (thickest) and black (thinnest) band to assist me and the pull ups are easy. However, just the green band is too hard. It’s annoying because I feel like I won’t progress if the pull ups aren’t hard, but the next level is too hard. It’s just annoying.

I finished the four rounds in 11:19. My time was solid, but I really felt the burpees draining me. Even after conquering 100 of them...I just hate burpees.

I’m going back tomorrow (my last chance before Christmas!). Hopefully we get to do something awesome as a final send off…

Have a great night guys!

- N


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