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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Round 22 - 12/7/10: The Power Snatch

I ended up having a kind of long/crappy day at work yesterday and by the time I got out traffic was brutal and it was snowing like crazy...so I passed on the gym. I felt bad after, thinking I should have just sucked it up and gone, but in the moment I had to decide I just wasn’t feeling it.

And I have two days off in a row now, so it just made sense to save it for those days.

Today’s WOD was intimidating because of one thing...the power snatch. The last time I did one of those I felt like I failed miserably. Some looked better than others but I just couldn’t get into the rhythm so they never felt good. To top it all off, today the power snatch was incorporated into our conditioning circuit. I wasn’t looking forward to it to say the least.

To start we did the bench press to a 5 rep max. I maxed out at 75lbs last time so my goal today was 80. I worked through a few sets, gradually building up to 75, and then went for it. I managed 80 and then managed 82.5! I was really excited. The guy trainer was spotting me and he said next time I’ll definitely be able to do 85, but I was too tired from pressing 82.5 to try anything further. I was satisfied stopping there anyway.

And then, the circuit. 21-18-15-12-9 reps of power snatches, wall balls and sit ups. The male trainer and one of the interns were the ones helping us on the circuit and I flat out told them I suuuck at power snatches. So we took it slow. We practiced a lot (first with this one bar that weighs literally nothing and they use for stretching, then with this other real bar that weighed 33lbs). We just kept practicing a bunch of times and they both kept helping me and giving me tips on it and I ended up using only 35lbs.

By the time I got a few reps into the circuit...I was actually doing them. Real power snatches and they felt good! I swore I was never going to get these, they’re so complicated (especially from the ground). They look so easy and they’re really hard to master...but I think I did a pretty good job of it. I was doing my happy dance (internally, I was too tired to do it literally, haha). It was just really exciting.

My finishing time for that circuit was 21:08.

I’ll be going back tomorrow so hopefully we’ll get some good pullups in or something. I’m kind of enjoying the Olympic lifting now. The more I do it the more comfortable I get with it so I want to keep practicing.

We’ll see what happens tomorrow I guess!

- N


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