I think I have a bit of head cold. I’ve been congested the last couple of days and feeling a little under the weather in general. Let’s hope it doesn’t get any worse than this...unless that means getting off work on Saturday and getting to the gym instead. See? I have my priorities straight. ;)
Today’s WOD was the kind I like...none of the moves were intimidating, even though I knew the workout itself was going to be hard. I was comfortable with all the exercises, so I knew I could just blast through everything and hopefully get some really good numbers.
We started with deadlifts. The gym was empty again today so I got some completely one-on-one training (which was awesome). We were working up to a 3 rep max so the trainer asked me what I was going to aim for. I suggested 110. She said 115 because she wasn’t going easy on me anymore, haha.
So that was the goal, 115lbs. I warmed up a few light reps and then gradually built up to the 115...and it was achieved! I texted my sister afterwards to tell her I deadlifted her body weight, haha. It was a pretty cool thing to be able to say. I deadlifted my sister ;).
The next part of the workout was an AMRAP for 12 minutes. The circuit was simple, 6 pull ups, 12 pushups, 24 walking lunges. I set up with my usual bands for the pull ups (since I didn’t want a repeat of last time,) and a plate on the ground for pushups. I probably could’ve taken a longer rest after deadlifts, but I was ready to go.
What surprised me the most about the AMRAP was the first 2 sets were actually easy. There weren’t many pull ups so I kind of expected that, but the pushups! I fleeeew through those pushups. It was kind of remarkable compared to where I was a month ago. 12 pushups and I didn’t even feel it! Before CrossFit that would have been where I started to tire around 10...but noooope. The lunges were good for the first few sets too.
I started to tire noticeably around set 4 and ended up completing 6 rounds, plus an extra round of pull ups. I sprawled on the floor afterwards, haha. That’s the best feeling ever - sprawling on the floor covered in sweat after busting your ass.
All in all, it was a really good workout. I have to work tomorrow so I’m taking it as my day off and then I’ll be going back on Friday after work.
Also, I have a massive bruise on my right upper thigh from a combination of cleans and snatches. I also have bruises (though smaller) on both shins for the same reason. Maybe I should try wearing some pants...hmm…or I could just accept the bruises…;)
Have a good night, everyone!
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