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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Round 19 - 11/30/10

Sorry for the delay in this posting everyone. The last two days have been very, very long. I think my entire family’s exhausted. I ate pizza tonight (just a few slices of the Domino’s cracker crust, but still) and drank a few glasses of wine. It was nice to unwind.

But back to yesterday! Our WOD was all things I was pretty comfortable with, so I was kind of looking forward to it. We hadn’t done Tabata in a while and I quite enjoy that for some reason (it’s fast and to the point!). All day at work I was kind of just waiting to get to the gym.

WOD started with presses. I set myself up (albeit, a little ambitiously) to try and press 60lbs. Well, sad to say this goal of mine didn’t happen (at least not yesterday). I worked up to 57lbs and attempted 62lbs and it just didn’t happen. I did a 5 rep max at 57lbs. I’ll just have to break 60 next time!

The conditioning workout, like I said, was a Tabata mash up (that’s where you alternate between the exercises instead of completing one in its entirety - like I did my first day). The four exercises were pushups, ring rows (that’s where you hold onto gymnastics rings, leeeeean back and, well, row), kettlebell swings and burpees.

I did 281 reps total. Overall I think I did well. There were a few areas I could improve upon next time (my kettlebell technique wasn’t quite perfect and they said to put a plate under my chest for push ups in the future). I’m not gonna lie, that took away from my feeling of accomplishment a little (I did some of the most reps of anybody). I wish they’d just corrected my technique or told me I wasn’t going low enough on the pushups during the workout so I didn’t feel like I cheated the whole workout. I didn’t stop, even when I slowed down, so I’m attributing my awesome number to that.

And hey, maybe I just did a really good amount of reps in pushups and they’re trying to give me ways to challenge myself a bit more. I understand not correcting kettlebell form during a rep because you’re only doing it for 20 seconds, but it’s easy enough to say “lower on the pushups!”. Anyway, I’m trying not to dwell on it (I was for about an hour yesterday after the gym). I’m just a competitive person and things like this bug me a little. I’m not ashamed to admit it, haha.

But tomorrow is a new day and a workout’s going to feel really great after all the crap this week. I’m not working again until Saturday and I couldn’t be more happy about that. It’s just gym and (maybe) some running for the next two days!

I’ll update tomorrow after the gym! Have a good night!

- N


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