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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Round 24 - 12/10/10

Sorry for the delay in this update. I just haven’t felt motivated to write for some reason. I worked Friday and Saturday and I’ve pretty much bummed around all day today (except for my run and some laundry I did). I’ll try not to get so behind next time. :)

So Friday was the last time I went to the gym. I had a lot of fun actually. WOD started with hang squat snatches followed by 2 overhead squats for a 1 rep max. I started warming up with just the bar and looked over to see the two trainers talking...about me. I was then handed this weird, peanut shaped thing that was apparently 2 lacrosse balls taped together. I had to lie on the floor with this thing under different parts of my spine and try and stretch while holding onto a bar. We did the same thing with a foam roller. It was painful. Everyone in the gym watched me and kind of groaned when they saw my new favorite torture device (as it will be referred to from hereon in). It’s supposed to stretch out your shoulders and stuff. It was 30 seconds of hell each time I did it, let me tell you.

But apparently the results were worth it. After working on the power snatches earlier in the week I felt really good about them. After I used the torture devices to loosen up my shoulders my form drastically improved when I was in the overhead position. It was kind of amazing. I got up to 40lbs (which was way better than my last attempt at overhead squats). I was also working with one of the other newer gym members so we kind of took turns watching each other while the trainer corrected our form. It was fun. They made him use the torture device too.

The second part of WOD was 4 rounds of the following: 20 pushups, 60 squats and 10 push presses. My bar for the push press was only 35lbs because my shoulders were already sore and I was going to have to do a lot of pull ups. The 60 squats seemed the most daunting of anything, but they were unweighted and I’m pretty good with squats. I did this part of the workout with the guy from the first half and one other guy.

For the first set they creamed me on the pull ups. I was easily the last to finish and they were almost half done their squats by the time I was starting. I was well behind and figured I’d just get more behind as the workout went on...

But those squats? Man, I rocked those squats. Haha. Seriously I flew through those things. Sure I got tired and my legs felt like jelly by the end, but I just didn’t stop. I ended up finishing the squats before them and stayed in the lead for the rest of the workout. I finished 1:28 before the first guy finished...and I won’t lie, that felt kind of awesome. I know if it was anything but squats they probably would’ve beat me, but I’ll take the little victories when I can get them. It wasn’t about throwing it anyone’s face (as it never is at CrossFit), it’s just really nice to feel a little competitive. We all busted our asses and told each other good job afterwards… that’s the kind of environment it is here. It’s about your personal best, but you’re working out with others and that gives you that little push to give it your all. It’s healthy competition and I really enjoy that.

And that was my workout. My knee’s bugging me today and my legs were really tired on my run which is weird because I hadn’t felt the aftereffects of my squats until I hit mile 4. I was afraid I’d still be in pain when we do back squats tomorrow, but it looks like we’re doing deadlifts instead so good news for me.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and stayed warm!

More tomorrow.

- N


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