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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Round 29 - 12/20/10

I really enjoyed the WOD today. It was way more relaxed than the one on Friday. I finally got to do some heavy weight back squats again (I’ve been missing out on them for the last few weeks). I wasn’t sure what my weight was going to be (we were looking for a 3 rep max). Since my front squats were 105 on Friday I just knew I was going for more than that. I ended up doing 125, but I think next time I’ll be able to break 130.

The second half of the workout was AMRAP for 7 minutes. We had to do 7 front squats and 7 push presses. My bar was (don’t laugh at me) either 53 or 65lbs. I have no idea what the weight of the bar was. Normally I can tell as soon as I lift it, but today I wasn’t sure. I was either sore in the shoulders from Friday still so 53lbs felt like a lot more...or I was lifting 65lbs.

Either way, the push presses got heavy fast. The front squats were okay, but the hardest part of the workout was transitioning from a front squat bar hold (where the bar’s on 2 fingers, your elbows are up high and the bar’s pretty much against your chest/neck/shoulders), and a push press hold (where you need to wrap your hands around the bar completely). The guy I did the AMRAP with said the same thing, so we kind of laughed about it. Of all the things to cause problems it was shifting our grips, haha.

And that was it for today. I’m going back tomorrow so I’ll be sure to update then!

- N


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