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Thursday, November 4, 2010


I’m resting today, and I need it. This morning it hurt to sit up, it hurt to go to the bathroom, it hurt to make coffee and walk downstairs, it hurt in general. Haha. It’s all in my shoulders and my back and a little in my legs. You really focus on you shoulders in these workouts and I’m really feeling that today.

I also haven’t been drinking enough water. I need to work on that. Somedays I’m great about it and others I’m forcing it down. My muscles are sore and swollen and I need to flush some of this out so water is necessary. Moving also helps with that too. The more I move, the less it hurts. I’ve also done some of the shoulder and back stretches my trainer showed me. It’s nice to have a day off, not gonna lie. I feel like I earned it.

And honestly, I like feeling sore. It’s a good sore, it means I worked my ass off. When I wake up the day after a workout and I’m not sore I feel cheated or something. Being sore just reminds you of what you did the day before.

As of today I’m up 2lbs, which does and does not surprise me at the same time. It feels like I should weigh less because a) I’ve been hungry for three days and normally, when I feel hungry constantly, I lose weight next time I’m on the scale; and b) my stomach seems less bloated than I did when I started initially. However, it makes sense that I’m up 2lbs because I’m sore. My muscles are filled with lactic acid and I’m retaining fluid (thanks second year physiology class) because during my awesomely intense workouts created I micro-tears in my muscles. Basically, I'm swollen because my body's trying to repair these micro-tears. That’s what I mean when I say I need to flush everything out.

Either way, I’m not too worried about a slight gain. It’s a new workout, my body’s under stress as it gets adjusted to everything I’ve been doing. I’m confident if I keep going as I have been the weight (and inches) will come off.

I’ll update tomorrow after my workout!

- N


  1. I'm sorry you're so sore! I had another question for you that kind of tied into the soreness and how that motivates you, but when I tried to word it, it just sounded weird, so I'll get back to you on that one. Haha.

    Also, I love when you get all technical on us. ;)

  2. What was your queeestion? Tell me!

    Hahaha, thank you, dear.

  3. @gymratHaha, my question was along the lines of how do you think you're going to handle it in the future when you're sore and it's not entirely the fun motivating type of sore. I didn't want to imply that I'm expecting you to feel that way though, haha, so I was trying to think of a way to phrase it so you didn't feel like I was dooming you to failure or something.

    So maybe what I mean is more like, how do you think they (at the gym) will help motivate you if you start feeling like that?

  4. @happyhappyjoyjoy

    Ohhh. Well for me, personally, I find being sore always gets better when you start moving. Even yesterday when I was seriously in pain and it hurt to get out of bed I felt way better once I started moving a bit. Today my shoulders were sore, but felt better once I started rowing. It's kind of just a state of mind. Just force yourself to go and once you get there you'll feel better. I know you're not dooming me to failure, don't worry ;).

    I think at the gym they just hold you accountable. You can't just hop on a treadmill and half ass it. They know what you can lift (all your numbers are posted on boards all over the gym) and the trainers know you personally. They're not gonna forget about you so you're not gonna get away with anything. I really like that because you can't cheat yourself.

  5. @gymrat That makes sense, definitely. Hahha good, I didn't want to sound negative about it at all, I just wanted to see what your thoughts on it were.

    That's really cool, the accountability factor. And the fact that they won't let you get lazy.
