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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Round 10 - 11/15/10


I went to Crossfit in the morning today around 10am. The gym was a lot quieter than it is at night (even though it’s not really that busy around 3:30 either). It was almost all women too, so the dynamic was a little different. Honestly, I think I was just surprised at first to see no boys in the gym, haha.

But I digress. For the WOD we did deadlifts and an AMRAP workout. For deadlifts I got up to 85lbs (wahoo!) for 3 sets of 5. I was pretty pumped. For the AMRAP workout we were doing 6 burpees, 12 box jumps and lunges to one end of the gym and back.

I don’t know why but burpees always kill me. 6 didn’t seem like it would be that bad, but I was dying after. The box jumps were doable, the lunges were doable, the burpees absolutely killed me. I was slower than everyone on the burpees and then made up that time and passed everyone on the box jumps. I have no idea what it is about burpees but they are the bane of my existence, apparently.

I ended up doing 3 rounds plus a 4th round of burpees in 10 minutes. It wasn’t bad. I got through the 2nd most reps of all of us, so that was good. My legs were like jelly after. I’m good at lunges and I liked that we focused on so much leg work for a change, but it was intense. Good thing my legs recover quickly.

I’ll be back again tomorrow so we’ll see how I’m feeling then!

- N


  1. I love lunges, haha. I used to show off doing them because everyone else had terrible balance/technique, and would complain the whole way. I'd just whistle and say I could do it all day.
