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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Round 3 - 11/3/10 @ 11:00pm

I started this blog because I wanted to really give people a clearer picture of what Crossfit was. Very few have ever heard of it and everyone always wants to know more. I mean, until Monday I didn't really know exactly what it was either. I want to give you all the information I can. I’m really grateful for everyone who has been reading and commenting up to this point, so thank you for that. :)

So today I went to the gym after work. The exercises were a little bit different and one of them really bothered my wrists, but I still really enjoyed it. Today I really got a broader picture of their clientele (they really do have all levels of fitness there). I also met one of the interns. I saw her working out and she spoke a little to my trainer when I was warming up. As I was leaving she introduced herself to me, which I thought was really cool of her. I’m feeling less like I’ll be totally lost when my training sessions are over. They’re going so fast, even though I’m learning lots.

For our workout we did some technique exercises again to start, (I did the treadmill a bit to warm up). We did a front squat with the bar resting on my shoulders (that killed my wrists, I could only do two sets. Apparently that’ll get better though). We did some thrusters (I think they’re called) where you kind of shoot the barbell up over your head. I liked those and did 37lbs. Lastly, we did some squat thrusters where you basically combine the two previous exercises. Those didn’t hurt my wrists as much either.

And then, the mini-workout. Stopwatch was set for 7 minutes and I had to do 5 squat thrusters and 5 burpees as many times as I could in those seven minutes. I did almost 6 sets, but I was dead. My arms were so tired from before, my legs were tired from today and I was absolutely done in every sense of the word. Tomorrow’s my rest day. (I need it, haha). I’m going back Friday afternoon.

Oh! I also asked a little bit about what kind of nutrition they focus on while we were in between sets. It’s pretty simple. Aim for 100+g of protein per day when you’re training hard, pair a protein with a carb or fat at every meal and have unlimited veggies. Eat as cleanly as possible, (ie: whole foods, organics), and drink water. Lots of water.

So that’s it for today, (yay! I’m getting more concise!). I’ll let you know how I feel in the morning.

- N


  1. Yay, for taking a breather to let yourself rest! I think it's always a good sign, though, when you're happy even if you're in pain.

    Also, would you mind explaining a burpee? I think I've seen them but I have to ask anyway. :)

  2. Also, I forgot to say, I love the new background. :)

  3. Is it showing as a reply to you or just another comment?

  4. I am so glad you are liking it! A few of the moves hurt my wrists too. I got to do Birthday pull-ups today, I did 25. Umm my shoulders kind of hurt, haha.

  5. @Nadine

    Hahaha. I just saw this. I'm sorry birthday pullups hurt. Hey! You're only 25! ;)
