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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Food! (And Nutrition)

I really wanted to write a post about this today, because I think I seriously need to revamp some of what I’ve been eating. I haven’t been eating badly and I haven’t been eating a ton of calories, but I’m missing out on things nutritionally. I need to get back to eating more salad and try and incorporate protein into every meal (breakfast is brutal for that. I’m not a big egg person and I have a hard time eating a bigger meal for breakfast).

I’ve also been having little indulgences that I probably don’t need. I remember hearing someone (my mind’s blanking on who right now) say that the last 10 or 15lbs are the hardest to get off. You have to be perfect and little “cheats” aren’t going to cut it. I used to have the luxury of having the odd cookie or piece of chocolate while I was losing weight (without counting it in my calories) and it was never an issue. I think things have changed though.

So for the next week I’m conducing a food experiment. I’m counting all my calories religiously and I’m not having any “treats”. If I want something it goes into my calories. I’m also going to try and have protein at every meal and salad (or some serving of veggies) more than once a day. It’s time to kick things up a notch. I may even purchase some whey protein isolate just to increase the protein a bit. If I can find a low cal one, without a bunch of sugars and crap, that is. (Any recommendations?) I’d much rather get protein from food, but breakfast is what’s going to be my downfall. Whey protein might save me.

I think I’ll aim for between 1500 and 1700 calories a day and see how that works out. Losing weight is 80% what you eat and 20% how you workout and I think I forgot that this summer. Let’s see what happens to the scale if I behave for a week.


  1. I keep telling myself I need to eat more salad and things like that, too, but I can't help but find it bland. What do you put on yours to keep it from feeling blah?

  2. Ummm...I don't like normal salads with tomatoes and onions and celery or whatever. I put strawberries and feta or goat cheese and sometimes pecans and cucumbers and a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. It's really delicious.

    And I think the better the ingredients you pick the more you enjoy it. Sometimes it's just so tedious to make a salad, so I kind of have to force myself.

  3. @gymrat That sounds really good, the pecans and cucumbers and whatnot. I don't mind normal salads, but when it's the same tomato, lettuce, etc concoction the whole time I find myself having to put cheese and a bunch of other toppings, and then a really not good dressing just to make it worthwhile.

  4. Try Isopure for protein.
