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Friday, November 19, 2010

Round 12 - 11/18/10

Day 1 of accounting for a pathetically unorganized workplace. They’re nice people, they really are, but it’s really driving me nuts how they scheduled me in for an extra 16 hours and told me less than a day before when they scheduled me in two days ago. Not impressed. I used to be fat, I treat the gym like it’s a priority one and I don’t appreciate people assuming it’s not.

In all honesty, I was really glad just to get to the gym. I need some sort of activity to get out some aggression...

Annnnyway, so I went early this morning (I don’t work until 11:30) and it was kind of a longer (and more unusual) WOD. We started with something called “Skin the Cat” and did a skill warm up on that. Basically, it’s a gymnastics move using those big rings. You’re supposed to hold onto the rings and essentially flip yourself over and do a handstand. I only got as far as hanging on them. They were gonna come and get the guy trainer (who’s like 6’5”) to come and make me flip (all the girls were too short, hahah), but I told them noooo way was I going upside down. Images of me dropping on my head were too prevalent.

So I just kept hanging there for a bit (it’s brutal on your arms, though if you flip over it’s supposed to be more of a core workout). It was kind of fun watching everyone try to do it, so we had a few good laughs.

And then, chin ups...which are way harder for me. Apparently chin ups isolate your biceps more than pull ups, so if you have strong biceps they’re easier. Personally, I’d rather use my back more. Chin ups are the underhand grip ones and your hands are closer together. We did 30 of them (with as much rest as needed). Those were hard. Some of the more advanced people were doing those plus a weighted chin up at a 3 rep max...but I’m still using bands so I didn’t make it that far.

Our last part of the WOD was a 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 workout with deadlifts and pushups. It’s similar to the workout from Tuesday in that you do 21 of both exercises, then 18, then 15, etc. It’s just longer, haha. I just did basic pushups but others did pushups on the rings. Those looked really hard. I don’t think I’m strong enough for that yet. I did 65lbs for my dead lift, but I think I could have handled 70. Maybe next time.

Back again tomorrow (hopefully)! I’ll try and take some measurements too.

- N


  1. Hanging by the rings sounds like it would be fun, but most definitely brutal. Haha.

    <3 I'm glad you were able to get there yesterday, I know the work situation wasn't easy.

  2. @happyhappyjoyjoy

    Hahah. I feel like you'd be able to handle it. I couldn't lift myself up at all. It was bad but apparently normal for newbies.

    Thank you :)

  3. @gymrat Haha well I do still play on the playground a little too often.
