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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Round 16 - 11/25/10

I was feeling kind of crappy today and the weather isn’t great, so getting to the gym was definitely a bit of a struggle. The workout was pretty grueling too. For starters, I did some HSPU (handstand push up, see an earlier post) progression. I think I’m holding myself up my straighter and I can stay there for much longer. I still hate the headstand exercise with a passion though.

I didn’t spend too long on the HSPU this time. I just didn’t have the patience for it today. The trainer told me I did enough anyway and overdoing it would just get discouraging. I’m inclined to agree in this case.

The rest of the WOD was a major circuit that you had to repeat five times. We did 10 pull ups, 20 pushups, 30 kettlebell swings (@ 26lbs for me) and 40 squats. The pull ups were actually the best part. The pushups and the kettlebell swings were horrible. I don’t know if it was partially because my head just wasn’t in it, but it felt never ending. The squats were okay, doable, but they took a while. In the end I completed the workout in 25:38. My time was close to everyone else’s (some people even took 35 minutes), but I personally just felt like I was dragging the whole time. It’s nice to have something to compare your numbers too, but in the end it really is about you. You know how hard you worked and whether you had more to give. Today was just one of those days.

I will say this though… Previously in my workouts, (whether it be runs or my own circuit training), I wouldn’t have done anything if I felt like I did today. I wasn’t that sick and I could’ve worked out, but I wouldn’t have felt motivated to go. I should feel accomplished for getting there and getting through the workout. The trainers weren’t going to let me slack, but they weren’t going to make me overdo it either. I was exhausted by the end of it (and still kind of am), but I did it. That’s something to be proud of.

It’s just one of those days. Tomorrow will be better (I used to hate going to the gym after work, but it’s honestly something I look forward to now). I’m going to take some official measurements and pictures on Monday for you guys since it will have officially been a month at Crossfit! That’s kind of exciting. Everyone says it takes about that long for your body to figure out what it’s doing and for the changes to really start to show, so I’m hoping month two will show even more progress

- N


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