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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Round 14 - 11/22/10

Today’s WOD was a good one for me. I just felt really great about the entire thing. I made some big improvements on my back squats and I the AMRAP workout was one I quite enjoyed (even though I was dying, haha).

First up, back squats. I worked up to a 5 rep, 3 set max of 90lbs. Wahoo! Maybe I can break 100 in a week or two. That’d be really exciting (that’s a small person!). The guy trainer at my gym said my squat form was perfect too and had me do a few little tweaks to help take the weight off my wrists (your wrists shouldn’t hurt or feel stretched on a back squat). The 90lbs was tough, but I felt really accomplished after. It was exciting :). I still love going to this gym. Even when I’m kind of dragging to get there, I never feel unmotivated once I’m there. I was kind of under the weather (and have been all weekend), but I didn’t notice it one bit when I was working out.

Secondly, the AMRAP. It was a long one (15 minutes!), but no burpees, thankfully - I would’ve crashed and burned if there’d been burpees, haha. We did 7 squat thrusters (@ 42lbs for me), 7 pull ups and 7 box jumps. For the first 3 rounds of pullups I used only one band instead of two. I switched to two bands when my form started to suffer; but to put it in perspective, my first week of Crossfit I couldn’t have done one pull up with only the one band. I felt really accomplished to have improved to that extent. I ended up doing 6 full rounds with an extra set of thrusters and pull ups in the 15 minutes.

All in all, a really great day. My legs kinda felt like jelly as soon as I left, but that’s a good feeling. It’s the feeling of having worked hard ;).

- N


  1. Would it give you too silly a mental image to imagine back squatting me? Because you're badass and you totally could.

    I'm glad you had such a great workout today!

  2. @happyhappyjoyjoy

    Bahaha. Your body weight is my first goal, next will be my sister's.

    Thank you!

  3. I recently found your blog and I love reading your experiences. I have recently started a crossfit inspired program with a personal trainer (18 sessions so far.) I love reading your workouts and seeing similarities with my own. I totally agree with the burpees! I HATE THEM! Sadly, my trainer has caught on and now uses them as incentive not to stop/rest. We were doing some metabolic work (150 walking lunges, timed) and the incentive not to stop or rest were 5 burpees. Believe me I was not going to stop! =) The week prior he had us doing 20 burpees between push-ups, sprints, and presses. It was hell.

    Keep up the great work! You are an inspiration!

  4. @Anonymous

    Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying it :). My main objective for this blog was to give people a really clear picture of what Crossfit was and some honest to god feedback on how the gym works for me. It sounds like you're having an awesome (ass kicking) time as well. It's definitely not for the faint of heart, but I'm loving every minute of it.
    wToday was my reset day and I missed out on burpees (HA!). I'd keep lunging if those were my options too.

    Out of curiosity, how do you find working out with a trainer compares to what you've seen at the gym (or even read on here)?

    Thanks again for reading!
