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Friday, November 5, 2010

Round 4 - 11/5/10

This morning I woke up feeling pretty good. My shoulders were a little sore, but that was it, really. I think I have allergies or a sinus headache or something though because that’s been bugging me all day. Thankfully, it didn’t interfere with my workout. I drank tons of water right before, so that probably helped a bit.

Annnnyway, today we completed our first WOD! Woohoo! It was more of a heavy lifting workout. It consisted of back squats, front squats and a pull-up progression and I think I did pretty well overall. I did 62lbs on the back squats and 42lbs on the front squat (those things kill my wrists. Anyone have any tips for getting passed that?). I probably could’ve done a bit more on the back squats, but I didn’t know how I would be with the front squats, so we stopped there. It’s still a solid number considering I did 42lbs a few days before.

After that we did a pull-up progression workout (with bands). It was a timed workout in one minute intervals. In the first minute you do 1 pull-up and then rest for the remainder of the minute. In the second minute you do 2 pull-ups and rest for the remainder. Third minute, 3 pull-ups and so on and so on, as many times as you can. I ended up doing 11 rounds of it. My arms (and my one leg from pushing the damn resistance bands down, haha) are dead.

I’ll probably go back tomorrow morning to finish up my week and then run/rest on Sunday.

I also want to add that while I’ve been weighing myself daily or semi-daily it’s just to see how my body reacts to the exercises I’m doing in terms of fluid retention. I’m only “counting” the weight on a week to week basis. There’s no need to weigh-in that much. I’ll do an official weigh-in on Monday and compare the results then. I’ll also take some new measurements either Friday of next week of Monday of the week after.

Updates tomorrow!

- N


  1. After tomorrow I wanna hear what your faaaavorite part of the week was, kay? Kay good.

    You rock! <3

    Also, I know how you feel completely about allergies/sinus headaches. I'm dyyyyying.

  2. @happyhappyjoyjoy

    Kaaaay. It'll depend what kind of workout we do tomorrow. I liked today and I'd like if we could alternate between a workout like today and a workout of death, but I think I kinda prefer the death days right now. That's only because I don't have set goals for different presses and squats and stuff, I think.

    I knooow. I feel so drained for no reason.
