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Friday, November 12, 2010

Round 9 - 11/12/10

I felt soooo gross this morning when I woke up. It almost felt like I had a stomach bug or something. It was bad. I need to start eating a bit cleaner and kick up the water intake. I might make this water/tea drink next week. You’re supposed to drink it for a week and it helps to flush out some of the bloat. Maybe my body’s still adjusting to the new workout so my system’s a little shocked and I’m retaining. My weight’s up pretty high today too; I’m just not feeling great.

My workout was good though. For starters we did a handstand pushup progression exercise. I basically was trying to get myself as close to the wall as possible with my feet high against it (the idea being that you build up to being able to do a handstand push up). I was supposed to try and walk myself in closer to the wall using my arms, but that was too hard. Hopefully I’ll be strong enough by next time. The trainer said it was important to keep my arms as locked as possible, because by doing that I was using my skeletal frame to support myself instead of my muscles. It did feel a bit easier when I tried it that way, but I still couldn’t walk on my hands.

As I was finishing the rest of the workout I looked over to see one of the guys doing the handstand pushups. It was kind of awesomely insane, haha.

We also worked on power cleans. I’m still kind of rocky with the technique so we spent a while just practicing that. I got up to 52lbs.

After the power cleans we went onto a pushup/pull-up circuit. You had to do as many pushups as you could and then as many pull-ups as you could and then rest for a few minutes. And then you repeated that circuit 4 times.

Again, I watched some of the guys while I was resting. They were doing “muscle ups” where you literally lift half of your body over the bar and your weight is supported by your arms. It looked like something gymnasts would do when using the parallel bars. It was pretty cool.

I still feel pretty gross right now, but I felt good during the workout. I’m sure my arms and my back will be sore tomorrow, but that I can handle. I do feel like I’m getting stronger with pull ups though. Maybe next week I’ll try taking the skinny band away and just using the thick one...hmm…

I may go back on Sunday but I may just wait until Monday. I have work tomorrow so there’s no way I’m getting there then. Guess I’ll play it by ear.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

- N


  1. After having a "rest" day on Saturday, how do ya feel today? Not still gross, I hope!

    What sort of things do you want to do for next week at Crossfit? Any goals you have set for the next week?

  2. @happyhappyjoyjoy

    I still feel kinda bloated. I need to make some of my tea. I gotta fit into a tight dress for Saturday.

    I do! My goal for next week is to be only using one band on the pull ups.
