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Monday, November 8, 2010

Round 6 - 11/8/10

I went running yesterday for a break from Crossfit and it was bad. I went out thinking I’d do 5 or 6 miles and I ended up doing 4 (and they were half-assed). I guess my legs were just way too tired and I couldn’t get into the zone. I wasn’t happy at all, haha.

Today was better. I went back to Crossfit and we did some heavier weight work today. We did back squats (I got up to 72lbs this time for 3 sets of 5!), and then a timed workout involving squat cleans and pull ups. For the timed workout I did 21 squat cleans, (go search youtube if you wanna see exactly what that is, there are lots of videos and it’s kind of hard to explain), and 21 pull ups. Then I did 15 squat cleans and 15 pull ups, then 9 squat cleans and 9 pull ups. I even used a thinner band on my pull ups this time, so I was really struggling with them by the end. I did the timed workout in 12:59, which actually seemed like a fairly fast time when I compared it to everyone else’s. I felt like I was going sooo slow during the workout though. It was hard! The squat cleans are deceptively challenging, especially when you’re doing pull ups in between. You really have to use your legs.

So as promised, I weighed myself today. I’m up to 158lbs right now, but there could be other reasons for that at this present time. I don’t think the scale was too accurate today. We’ll see how it reads tomorrow.

- N


  1. I feel like your arms must be dyyyyying today, how're you feeling?

  2. I'm actually feeling okay in my arms today. It's my legs that were dying during the workout, funnily enough.

    Tomorrow I bet my arms are dying, haha.
