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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Round 11 - 11/16/10

I went to Crossfit this afternoon with my legs already sore from the day before. I think the worst had to be my lower back, though. Getting up/out of bed was a challenge. LOL.

For WOD we had the option of doing either a bench press or a regular press. I chose to do a regular press just because I wanted to see how high I could get my number. Bench press uses your chest and I know I’m already pretty strong in that respect. My shoulders need more work. I’ll try bench press next time.

I worked up to a 3 set (of 5) max of 55lbs. I was happy. The last rep of the last two sets was really challenging, but I got it up there somehow. You definitely feel a sense of accomplishment when you barely make something happen. I think most people are stronger than they realize and it’s nice having that little extra bit of encouragement so you can power through.

After, we did a 21-15-9 push press/pull up conditioning workout. I started with 53lbs on the push press (which just about killed me. Apparently the number was supposed to be close to your regular press, but 21 in a row was so hard. I hate when I feel slow compared to everyone else). After the 21 pull ups she changed the weight on the push press to 45lbs, which was much better (but still tough). I completed the whole workout (last, ugh.) in 8:57. It wasn’t awful, but I felt like such a sloth. I really maxed out in the press so the push press killed my time.

I’ll be back again on Thursday (work tomorrow), so I’ll see how I feel by then. I’ll take some official measurements on Friday and post them here, just for comparison’s sake.

- N

Update: Stupid work has randomly thrown in double my hours this week so I get to work Thursday-Saturday. Awesome. I’m really pissed off they’re throwing off my gym schedule. I hate getting things sprung on me. I guess I’ll be at the gym early tomorrow and hopefully a blog post late tomorrow night.


  1. First, last, you're still doing great. I know it sucked on a competitive note to finish last, but you fiiiinished. I have no doubt you'll figure out the nuances of the push press and be whooping butt in no time.


    Stupid work, I'm sorry!

  2. @happyhappyjoyjoy

    Thank you. I dunno why I couldn't lift the same weight as my regular press. Kind of annoying, but at least I got it done.

    I'm so annoyed with work right now, haha.

  3. @gymrat You'll get it next time! I'm confident. Maybe it's just something you have to get used to, the technique of it or something.

    I know you are. I'm sorry!
