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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Round 5 - 11/6/10

Day 5! Wahoo! It’s beautiful out right now, (1 degree celsius and nice and sunny), so I was raring to go when I woke up. I was barely sore at all this morning and that was promising but also kind of disappointing. I like being sore to an extent. I knew I should’ve used the thinner band on those pull ups yesterday!

However, tomorrow I will be sore. Haha. Today we did Tabata for WOD, which is what I did the first day. It was a little bit different though. One of the interns was timing me and she was really cool. The gym was a lot busier today than I’ve seen it so far, but I still had no problem getting space/equipment. For the Tabata we did front squats (my poor wrists actually felt better than they did yesterday), push presses, kettlebell swings and burpees. It was still 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, but this time you did 8 rounds of each exercise, not 4 (apparently she went easy on me, haha), and instead of alternating exercises you did all 8 rounds of each exercise back to back.

So I’m dead, haha. By the time I got to the burpees I was exhausted. My arms didn’t have anything left and I had to practically stand myself up off the ground instead of using my arms to jump back in. What I like so much about these workouts is when you think you have nothing left you have to keep going and then you realize when you really have nothing left. I ended up doing 205 reps (which looked comparable to the rest of the numbers on the board). I literally collapsed on the floor afterwards and let her read me my numbers; my arms still feel like jelly.

So all in all, a killer workout. The gym was really lively today compared to how I’d seen it before. I hung around for a bit and one of the guys that had been working out there introduced himself to me, so I’m starting to feel a little more included already. I did the Tabata by myself, but right after 3 people were doing it together while the intern timed them. Some people were doing their own thing, but most did the WOD. I’m actually glad yesterday was easier; I like alternating between intense workouts like today and more of a power lifting workout like yesterday.

I’ll probably go for a run tomorrow and go back to Crossfit on Monday. I’ll weigh in on Monday before I workout so I’m hopefully not too swollen.

Have a great weekend everyone!

- N


  1. Yay, and congratulations for a great first week! Are you ready for week 2?

  2. @happyhappyjoyjoy

    I hope so! My schedule's gonna be different this week because of work, but we'll see. :)
