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Friday, December 3, 2010

Round 20 - 12/2/10

The gym was empty today! I was amazed! One guy was finishing up and I was just getting in. I thought for a second I got the schedule wrong and they were closing early or something...It was crazy!

In the end it meant I got 2-on-1 training from the trainers, which was pretty sweet. The guy trainer did the gymnastics move with me and the girl trainer did the strength/conditioning workout. She told me the gym will just get less and less busy around Christmastime. I’m totally okay with that, I love getting that kind of attention, hahah.

Today’s WOD only had 2 exercises: The L-sit (see Videos post from last night) and squat thrusters. For the L-sit we were supposed to accumulate 5 minutes in the actual position in as few sets as possible. It’s kind of a weird exercise. It’s hard to find your balance at first and you’re shaking and even though the trainer told me it was easier to keep my arms straight all they wanted to do was bend. Haha.

In the end I only finished 3 minutes of practice because I did one really great one that I held for almost 20 seconds. We concluded that I was probably tired and not going to do that again so it was best to end on a high note. I liked that, haha. I think I might actually much prefer this exercise (or any exercise) to HSPU Progression.

For the strength/conditioning exercise we did a squat thruster progression. It’s exactly like the pull up progression from a few weeks ago. At minute one you do one squat thruster and then rest the remainder of the minute; at minute two you do two squat thrusters and rest the remainder of the minute...and so on, and so on.

I made it 10 rounds at 42lbs, plus 8 reps in the 11th round. That adds up to 63 squat thrusters.

I’m going back tomorrow. Hopefully the gym will be relatively empty (if not completely empty again). I’ll update then!

- N


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