Other thoughts, well, I’ve done quite a few more workouts as prescribed, which is awesome. I can overhead press 75lbs in a workout. My back squat is a solid 150 for a 3RM and I’ve figured out where my knee pain was coming from when I ran! My hips were moving forward at the very end of my back squat and that was putting stress on my IT-band and hips. Mystery solved! For pullups I can do 3 reps on the medium-band and 5 reps with the medium band and the super skinny band. I continue to see lots of definition in my back and arms. All-in-all I’m feeling good. I have good days, and bad days but when comparing the results I am happy with where I am now. CrossFit is fitness oriented, not physical appearance oriented and those two don’t always go hand in hand...but I’m feeling pretty okay about where my body is right now. Changes are happening and I’m getting a lot more muscle.
My weight is pretty much the same. High 150s and I'd like to get down to mid 140s. I still have some jiggle in some areas I wouldn't mind minimizing.
I hope everyone’s doing well and that some people are still reading. I’ll try and update a little more frequently once I’m back from vacation.
- N
IM year late but would like to know hows it goin? Are you still in CF